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Jul 24 - 25 2019

CCQ – Gulf Foster & Kinship Care

CCQ staff members Sharon Lowe and Marissa Sherry and CSYW staff member Hayley ILES attending Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council’s board meeting scheduled for Thursday 25/07/2019 to discuss CCQ – Gulf Foster and Kinship Care service that is in establishment stage.

Sharon, Marissa and I fly in to Doomadgee on Wednesday 24/07/2019 at 4:30 pm, will be staying at the Guest House and flying to Mount Isa on Thursday 25/07/2019 4:50 pm.

  • CCQ – stands for Churches of Christ in Queensland.
  • CSYW – stands for Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women.

If more information is required please contact me on work phone 4437 4305 or mobile 0427 430 940.

Regards Hayley ILES